Pests are a grave problem once in home they become a great problem. Of all the home pests, bed bug n roaches are most common. Getting rid of them is the most important and difficult task. Professional help is recommended to completely get rid of them.
Bed Bugs
Bed bug epidemic is not a recent problem but it has been disturbing people for thousands of years. During the day, bedbugs hide in the cracks and crevices of: Mattresses Box springs Beds, frames, Headboards, under peeling paint and loose wall paper under carpeting near baseboards. By feeding on infected people, bedbugs can be infected with some blood borne diseases. After World War II, they were eradicated from most developed nations with the use of DDT. This pesticide has since been banned because it's so toxic to the environment.
The risk of encountering bedbugs increases if you spend time in places with high turnovers of night-time guests — such as hotels, hospitals or homeless shelters.
Bedbugs are reddish brown, oval and flat, about the size of an apple seed. During the day, they hide in the cracks and crevices of beds, box springs, headboards and bed frames. It's an overwhelming task to eliminate bedbugs from your home. Professional help is recommended.
Differentiating between a bed dug and insect bite is difficult. In general, the areas of bedbug bites are: Red, often with a darker red spot in the middle Itchy, are arranged in a rough line or in a cluster located on the face, neck, arms and hands. Some people have no reaction at all to bedbug bites, while others experience an allergic reaction that can include severe itching, blisters or hives.
Cockroaches or roaches in a home are health hazards. Unfortunately, the breeding rate of roaches breed is quick, so if one roach gets in a home, this quickly leads to more. Different types of roaches can be a source of various diseases. They can trigger allergic reactions and even asthma attacks. Bacteria on the bodies of roaches can cause vomiting, sneezing, diarrhea, reddened skin and salmonella.
Even if a homeowner does not see a roach, there are other signs of roaches in the home. Roaches lay small, brown kidney-shaped cases which contain eggs. Juvenile cockroaches, called nymphs, are miniature but wingless versions of their parents.
Roaches enter a home because food and water are easily available. Clean up food spills, even crumbs as soon as possible. Regularly remove trash. Soak up water spills and fix leaky faucets that could cause puddles for roaches to drink from. Trim bushes, long weeds and ivy where roaches can live.
About Author
Sophia Alexander is a chief editor since early 2007, and she currently works for Pets and their care. She is expert in writing about
Transgenic mice and
Knockout mice.