Sunday, May 30, 2010
Beeware of the Bees, They’re moving in
Because of this New York City’s board of Health has decided on Tuesday to allow Beekeeping after it had been banned. Ironically enough some New Yorkers have secretly been tending to beehives on their rooftops and gardens for years, and now it’s legal.
Honeybees, also named in the genus Apis look distinguished by the fact that they produce and store honey as well as the fact that they construct perennial and colonial nests made out of wax. There are 7 recognized species of this bee with a total of 44 “subspecies” although through history there have been 6-11 have been recognized. Honeybees represent only about 20,000 of the actual known species.
New York City, although it is quite a big City is being invaded by these pests and I saying this you must make sure that you are careful. The fact that these drones aren’t necessarily harmful to us, you shouldn’t bother them because you don’t know what species they are and so they may just sting you. If a bee stings you it leaves behind a pheromone that all the other bees sense and so one sting may lead to a thousand if you disturb the entire colony. You should call a local exterminator in order to rid yourself of them. Simply because we live in New York City doesn’t mean that nature isn’t coming into out space, and so saying so be careful if you see a dark cloud of bees coming your way.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Lets Talk Carpet Beetles

Welcome, Well New York it’s been a while but I most certainly didn’t forget about you guys! We here at have most certainly been very busy. Today I have decided to talk about a very shady and secretive pest, the carpet beetle (yes people that what we call them here). The carpet beetle also known as Attagenus Megatoma or the black carpet beetle is one very destructive little pest. I don’t know what is worse; the fact that it destroys fabrics or that there is two types. The other type of pest, because I am going to refer to them as such is called Anthrenus Verbasi, either way they are both most certainly disgusting.
These two pests are normally outside in the adult stages of their lives but they lay their eggs inside of your house and on your clothing. These unwanted buggers ruin your minks, chinchillas, animal trophies, and even hides. ( for those of you that don’t know what an animal trophy is, it’s that animal head that some people mount on their walls and looks creepy). So ladies who own those expensive furs watch out because these nasty pests will destroy you luxurious coats and anything else made of fabric or fur.
So New York make sure that you are super careful because these are horrid pests and they will sneak up on you because they hide inside your clothing. Believe me they will find a way into your things and they will ruin everything you own. Here at, as always know pests and these I feel are the worst of the worst pests in the entire world.
From our family to yours carpet beetles are annoying so if you see something roaming around in your closet believe me it isn’t lint. Carpet beetles are ugly and may lay up to 100 larvae so imagine a closet full of 100 ugly squirming beetles YUCKIE! The only weird thing about these pests is that when they become adults they go and live outside and they lay eggs on your minks, funny huh. Fortunately they are found mostly in Virginia but don’t think they won’t show up in NY. So ladies make sure you are on top of everything (as we usually are) but especially your winter clothing, that’s the one we normally don’t check due to the fact that we tend to forget about it because we don’t use it.
Having said all of that I hope this mini-blog can help you out in your future endeavors and we hope to keep you away from these pests because they will absolutely ruin all the clothing that you own. The best thing that I can say is that you seal all of your clothing in vacuum bags because that way nothing can penetrate them. Well NY we hope we have helped you here at Beyond Pest Control until the next blog NY we will see you soon! Bye Bye New York we all hope to write soon.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
A Quick Explination Of Our Process

The steamer
We use a dry steam machine, it sounds like an oxymoron but it uses more heat and less water to generate 275 degrees of dry steam. We will heat up walls, dressers, night tables, couches, doors, chairs, any and all furniture. In addition, we also include quarter rounds, window frames, Doors or anywhere in the room where a crack or crevice might exist. The process has two functions: 1) To kill the bedbug 2) To force them out of hiding. Imagine if you are taking a gallon of water to represent the pesticide, and pouring it on a couch. There is no way that you get to every spot on the couch and to every crack and crevice; there are just too many layers. Now use the same principle, and let’s use a quart of steam at 275 degrees. Literally, we inject the wand in one side of the couch and it shoots out at the other side getting into every crack, every crevice, and every fold. It goes into every part of the couch freeing the couch of bedbugs without destroying it or doing any damage to the couch. Generally, the couch looks like it was just cleaned. No pest can survive, including dust mites.
The chemicals
First, we use a contact killer which does what it says, it kills on contact. Second, we use a long term residual pesticide that will continue to kill long after we’re gone. The third chemical in our kamikaze is an IGR which stands for insect growth regulator. It stops their hunger, growth and reproduction. Last, but certainly not least, we use a synergist that bonds with the pesticide and does two things. 1) Doesn’t allow the bedbugs to have any natural defense to pesticide and 2) Doesn’t allow the pesticide to break down as quickly as it would without it.
The Dust
We use a silica base pyrethrum that pierces their skin and turns them off like a light switch. We will pump this powder inside electrical sockets, light sockets or any existing holes in the wall. Electrical circuitry such as televisions, stereos, and alarm clocks will also be powdered inside. The Silica base pyrethrum does not do any damage to the circuitry and protects it from infestation.
The Cover
If needed, we will also encase mattresses in bedbug proof liners and also encase the box springs.
The Silicone
We will seal any crack and crevice using industrial strength silicone in any area we feel bedbugs are coming from.